
Incredible, this weekend…I had intended to write up a review of It’s Arbor Day, Charlie Brown at some time during these two days. That will be up on Monday. This past Saturday and Sunday was just too crazed for my li’l brain, and I’ll be telling all (okay, most) soon. First, though–the weekly best-of “You Said It”.

MONDAY, 4/23

“Thought for the day: If you do not believe in evil, you are not paying attention”–HAGERSTOWN

From Joseph Wambaugh’s classic 1974 crime novel The Choirboys: “If there’s no good, then it’s very likely there’s no evil either. There’s only accidents.”


“It’s funny, I always call in to ‘You Said It’, and yet my opinion is never printed, although I speak on very informative opinions, opinions we need to focus on as a society, and then jokes of Mexico and welfare are printed”–HAGERSTOWN

*shrug* Get a blog, sweetie.

“You know what the problem with the schools these days? I blame the parents.”

I’m gonna give this caller the benefit of the doubt and call “newspaper typo” on this one.


Blah blah, weather, Jesus, gas, hospital.


“You know what the problem with the schools is these days?”

*looks…sees query has been poised by a caller from Smithsburg…cannot fucking wait to read*

“The government took God out of the schools. We need the Pledge of Allegiance, a moment of silence and religious groups back in schools.”

Which Pledge? The original, or the one with the amendation Rev. George Docherty coerced then-President Eisenhower to insert? And by religious groups you mean “Christian groups”, correct?

FRIDAY, 4/27
No sir…I don’t like it.